Recently, the size of data to treat has been drastically increasingdue to accuracy improvement of measurement technology, performanceimprovement of CPU, and advanvement in network technology. On the otherhand, to solve today’s complicated problems in the area of academia andindustry, essential is that researchers and engineers in the world workstogether by aggregating their knowledge and expertise. From the perspective above, our reesarch group has been promoting reseach and development on information technology, especially middleware and tools based on wide-area distributed computing technology, high-performance computing technology, and large-scale visualization technology, effective and useful for problem solving, through the the collaboration with world researchers and engineers towards actual scientific problems (e-Science). Prominent features of our research group are twofold; to be able to leverage rich computational resources in the Cybermedia Center and to aim for practical and useful information technology through the tight collaboration with international partners.

Widely distributed computing (metacomputing)

I have studied on wide-ared distributed computing exemplified by Grid computing and Cloud computing. Also, a wide variety of system infrastructure related to wide-area distributed computing are focused in my research.

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Large-scale visualization technology

I have worked on the research on large-scale visualization technology leveraging TDW (Tiled Display Wall). In these days, visualization technology utilizing network, especially software defined networking is focused.

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High-performance computing technology

I have been working on high-performance computing technology. Acceleration of MPI communication and Resource management middleware are just examples.

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By applying high-performance computing, wide-area distriburted computing, and visualization technologies to sciences, I aim to develop information technologies really useful and practical for e-science and contribute the advancement of science.

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