I have contributed to the following educational projects related to internationalization of education and educational environment.

This is an Osaka University’s university-wide educational program which hosts students from oversea universities with the student exchange agreement and MOU. I as steering WG committee member have worked on hosting support of international students and contributed to the internationalization of university-wide education at Osaka University.
FronterLab@OsakaU web site
FronterLab@OsakaU web site
Global Faculy Development Program (GFD)
The Project to support Faculty Development (FD) for fostering globalization of university education “Faculty Development for the globalization of education and for the improvement of teaching skills in English by faculties” (GFD Project) (2008–2012).

This program was the project to support FD for fostering globalization of university education. This program aims to reinforce and improvement faculty’s English ability in Education at Osaka University. For the purpose, development of e-learning materials pertaining on teachning in English for faculty, promotion of faculty development using the e-learning materials, and planning and implementation of FD workshops had been conducted in the project. I as a manager of the project had supported the project from technical perspective and contributed to the internationalzation of education at Osaka University
Global Faculy Development Program website
Global Faculy Development Program website
Pacific Rim International University (PRIUS)
MEXT 2005 University Education Internationalization Promotion Program “Fostering of Globally-leading Researchers in Integrated Sciences” (2005–2008)

This was the international education project which aimed to build an educational program that fosters globally-leading researchers through the tight collaboration with international partners. Under the theme of “ostering of Globally-leading Researchers in Integrated Sciences”, the project aimed to nurture researchers who can take a leading role in integrated science. I as specially-appointed associate professor had worked on this program and contributed to the internationalization of education.
Final report of PRIUS program Article
Final report of PRIUS program Article
MEXT 2014 Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice Support Program ”Nurturing of human resources and international collaboration using cutting-edge information technology”

My proposal “Nurturing of human resources and international collaboration using cutting-edge information technology” to the MEXT’s(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan) 2014 Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice Support Programwas accepted. I had stayed in University of California San Diego for the proposal. As a result of this project, the above PRIUS was realized.
Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences (PRIME)

PRIME program is an internship program promoted by UCSD (University of California San Diego) and sends their undergraduate sdtudents to oversea universities in Australia, China, Japan, Taiwan and so forth for their research and cultural experience, in a hope that UCSD enhances their international competitive power and international perspective of UCSD students. I as a host mentor had received and supervised 3-5 students every year.
Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences webサイト
Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences webサイト
Related materials:
East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)

EAPSI is the internship program promoted by NSF(National Science Foundation) for the U.S graduate students. I have hosted a phd student from UCR(University of California Riverside) in 2009.
EAPSI website
EAPSI website