Cybermedia Center, as a joint usage/ research center, has a mission and responsibility of provisioning and management of computational resources for research and education in campus. To the end, I am in charge of administration and provisioning of highly-advanced and large-scale computing environment for researchers and scientists in not only Osaka University but also other universities and research institutes. In detail I have engaged in the following works.
Operation and maintenance of large-scale computing systems at the Cybermedia Center
As of April in 2015, Cybermedia Center offers the large-scale computing service by a vector-typed supercomputer SX-ACE, PC cluster system for large-scale visualization VCC, and OCTOPUS. I am working on oepration and maintenance of these systems day in and day out through the tight cooperation with technical staff, so that students and scientits can stably benefit from the large-scale computing service by the Cybermedia Center.
Operation and maintenance of large-scale visualization systems at the Cybermedia Center
I am also partly in charge of two large-scale visualization systems deployed at the Cybermedia Center in the fiscal 2013.
The visualization systems are 24-screen Flat Stereo Visualization System at the mainbuilding of the Cybermedia Center, and 15-screen Cylindrical Stereo Visualization System at GrandFront Osaka.

CMC Supercomputer Systems
Planning and implementation of training session, seminar, workshop, and symposium
I am also working on planning and implementation of training session, seminar, workshop, and symposium with purposes of promotion of system utilization and user support pertaining to large-scale computing and visualization systems at the Cybermedia Center. We hope those who are a bit interested join these events.
CMC training session information
Promotion of collaborative research through HPCI and JHPCN, and utilization promotion and user support of large-scale computing and visualization systems.
The Cybermedia Center, Osaka University is a research institute of both High Performance Computing Infrastructure(HPCI) and Joint Usage/Research Center for Interdisciplinary Large-scale Information Infrastructures(JHPCN). I am in charge of promotion of collaboration research using the CMC’s large-scale computing and visualization systems through the framework of HPCI and JHPCN.
Research and development on large-scale computing systems and large-scale visualization systems
I have been working on the technological development for future large-scale computing and visualization systems. Also, applied research of such technology has been explored.
I also work for the procurement of computing systems in the Cybermedia Center.
Outreach activity: system introduction, project advertisement and achievement reporting.
I also put my efforts on outreach activities for the purpose of introducing the Cybermedia Center’s system, advertising our large-scale computing service, and reporting our research achievements through the domestic and international conference ane exhibition opportunities. Recently, in Axies as domestic opportunity and SC as international opportunity, we have been actively working of outreach activities.
CMC at Supercomputing
CMC Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Stragety
The detail information on large-scale computing and visualization systems is avaialble from the following URL. Please consider to use our large-scale computing service.
CMC large-scale computing system website