Education-related research

Based on the experience of engaging in the following education program, I have summarized research results and achievements pertaining to internationalization of education through student internship abroad.
Education Programs in Osaka University:
* MEXT 2014 Overseas Advanced Educational Research Practice Support Program “Nurturing of human resources and international collaboration using cutting-edge information technology”
* MEXT 2005 University Education Internationalization Promotion Program「Fostering of Globally-leading Researchers in Integrated Sciences” (2005–2008)
* The Project to support Faculty Development (FD) for fostering globalization of university education “Faculty Development for the globalization of education and for the improvement of teaching skills in English by faculties” (GFD Project)
Education programs by NSF(National Science Foundation) and universities oversea:
* Pacific Rim Undergraduate Experiences (PRIME)
* East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes for U.S. Graduate Students (EAPSI)
Research results(Paper)
- David Abramson, Peter Arzberger, Gabriele Wienhausen, Jim Galvin, Susumu Date, Fang-Pang Lin, Kai Nan, and Shinji Shimojo, “Cyberinfrastructure Internship and its application to e-Science”, 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, pp.340-347, Dec. 2011.
- Susumu Date, Shoji Miyanaga, Kohei Ichikawa, Shinji Shimojo, Haruo Takemura, and Toru Fujiwara, “PRIUS: An Educational Framework on PRAGMA Fostering Globally-Leading Researchers in Integrated Sciences”, Proceedings of 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science 2008, pp.576-581, Dec. 2008.
- David Abramson, Peter Arzberger, Gabriele Wienhausen, Jim Galvin, Susumu Date, Fang-Pang Lin, Kai Nan, and Shinji Shimojo, “Cyberinfrastructure Internship and its application to e-Science”, 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, pp.340-347, Dec. 2011.
- Peter Arzberger, Gabriele Wienhausen, David Abramson, Jim Galvin, Susumu Date, Fang-Pang Lin, Kai Nan, and Shinji Shimojo, “PRIME: an integrated and sustainable undergraduate international research program”, Advances in Engineering Education, vol.2, no.2 Summer 2010, 2010. (web journal)